fredag den 23. maj 2014

Omelet sandwich

Just the other day, i was craving a sandwich, so i experimented a little. I can tell you, I am pleasently surprised with this omelet sandwich :-) Definitely something i'm trying again soon.

1-2 slices of dark bread
1 egg
1 plum tomato
a handful of spinach
salt and pepper

Crack the egg into a small bowl, and stir together with salt and pepper.

Cut the tomato in 3,4 or 5 slices.

Rip the spinach into smaller pieces

cook the tomatoes and egg on a pan. Immediately after you have poured the egg onto the pan, sprinkle the ripped spinach on top.

When the egg is slightly cooked, turn one half over the other.

Smack everything together, and enjoy :-)

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