søndag den 25. maj 2014

Summer Salad

Hello again, lovely people!

Last night i made this healthy protein summer salad. Together with the salad i ate some leftover chicken meatballs, soo good (write in the comments if i should put up that recipe)

It's totally up to you, what you wish to add to your salad, but here's what i added:

P.S. I don't have any measurements of how much i took of each ingredient, i just filled up the bowl as much as i wanted.

2 large tbsp olive oil
juice from 1 lemon
salt and pepper
A bit of honey if it's too sour (taste)

The Salad: (these are just suggestions. Add anything you want)
bell pepper
feta cheese
cherry tomatoes
chicken breast cut into smaller pieces
kidney beans
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
different nuts (cashew, haselnuts, almonds etc.)
Other salad types.

Mix everything together.

Porridge - quick and easy

Ok, so it's morning. Maybe you're in a bit of a hurry, but your super tired of eating oats with milk - boring! How about making it a bit different this time?

1 cup rolled oats
2 cups water
pinch of salt

Throw it all into a pot. When it starts to make airbubbles, begin to stir, to avoid burning.

Eat right away! For a delicious taste, add berries, Greek yoghurt, nuts, coacoanibs, banana, apple, raisins etc.....

Good day :-)

fredag den 23. maj 2014

Vegan Whole Wheat Banana Loaf

So guys, i just made the most delicious banana loaf. I can't believe i haven't tried this before, as i looove anything with bananas in it! It's almost like a cake... but it's not! So good.

I searched everywhere on the internet after a good looking healthy one, but every recipe had some things i wanted to change, so i did. This is my version of a banana loaf, and i must say i have nearly eaten the whole thing to myself, oops :-)

So, if you have a few overripe bananas laying around, why not put a use to them?
You can eat this whole wheat, vegan, sugar less banana loaf with almost everything: Peanut butter, jam, honey, or simply just with a cup of nice hot tea.

200g whole grain flower
3-4 mashed bananas (more can be added, for a more squishy loaf)
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
3/4tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2tbsp flaxseed + 6tbsp water (or 3tsp of flax seed powder)
sesame seeds

Begin by putting the flaxseed and water in a bowl, and let it soak for at least 30 min.

Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees celsius

Mash the bananas in a bowl. (I made sure i left some ‘lumps’, because i think it tastes like heaven itself)

Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in another bowl.

Mix together with the mashed bananas, and the flaxseed + water.

Stir well

Fold this into a greased loaf pan and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Bake for about 40 mins till its crusty and golden on the outside. A toothpick inserted right in the center has to come out clean and that’s when the loaf is cooked.

Let the bread cool down for a bit and enjoy.

Omelet sandwich

Just the other day, i was craving a sandwich, so i experimented a little. I can tell you, I am pleasently surprised with this omelet sandwich :-) Definitely something i'm trying again soon.

1-2 slices of dark bread
1 egg
1 plum tomato
a handful of spinach
salt and pepper

Crack the egg into a small bowl, and stir together with salt and pepper.

Cut the tomato in 3,4 or 5 slices.

Rip the spinach into smaller pieces

cook the tomatoes and egg on a pan. Immediately after you have poured the egg onto the pan, sprinkle the ripped spinach on top.

When the egg is slightly cooked, turn one half over the other.

Smack everything together, and enjoy :-)

torsdag den 22. maj 2014

Asparagus and Tomato Salad - 10 minute food

Ok, so we had some homemade chicken meatballs and humus in the fridge from yesterday, and i needed something easy, quick and simple to go with it. I noticed the asparages' and thought "why the hell not?".

Ingriedients: (1 serving)
about 150g green asparagus'
about 15 cherry tomatoes

lemon juice

Put some olive oil onto a pan, and turn on the heat.

Wash the tomatoes and asparagus'. Break of the bottom of the asparagus' and throw that away.

Cut everything in half

When the pan is reasonably hot, throw on the ingriedients (including the lemon juice etc.)

Make sure you keep stirring.

Take of the pan, when it looks cooked enough for you. Enjoy

mandag den 19. maj 2014

Sorry for the waiting...

I am currently working on the design of this blog, and taking pictures of all my recipes. Please stay tuned, the blog will be up soon!

I hope to see some of you